2017 Workshop on Applications of Atom Probe Tomography

Atom Probe Tomography (APT) is a state-of-the-art material analytical technique that allows for 3D elemental mapping with near atomic resolution. It is a powerful tool that can provide unique compositional information on a variety of materials, including advanced alloys, semiconductors, and ceramic materials. This workshop will serve as a platform for the APT community to present their research, exchange ideas, and explore opportunities in research collaborations.
Prof. C.T. Liu (City University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Z.B. Jiao (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Date & Time
Dec 4 (9:00–17:30) & Dec 5 (9:00–12:00): presentation & discussion
Dec 5 (14:00–17:30): demonstration of LEAP 5000R and special topics on APT applications**.
Invited speakers:
Dr. Robert Ulfig (CAMECA): Cryo/UHV transfer – A new auxiliary to APT to enable new applications and support novel funding applications
Prof. Gang Sha (Nanjing U of S & T):Atom Probe Tomography Application in Understanding Thermal Embrittlement of a Duplex Stainless Steel
Prof. Wenqing Liu (Shanghai U):Effects of co-addition of Ni and Al to Fe-Cu alloy on the precipitation of nanoscale phase and mechanical properties
Dr. Yang Lu (CityU HK): High‐Entropy Alloy (HEA)‐Coated Nanolattice Structures
Dr. Mingxin Huang (HKU): Alloy Design By Dislocation Engineering
Dr. Rong Hu (Nanjing U of S & T): Characterization of a Si FinFET structure and dopants distribution by Atom Probe Tomography
Prof. Peng Dou (Chongqing U): Investigation of oxide nanoparticles and phase separation in advanced FeCrAl-ODS steels for the application in accident tolerant fuels of light water reactors by atom probe tomography
Prof. X.Y. Cheng (Shanghai U): Study of possible hydrogen traps using APT in mooring chain steel
Dr. Wei Wang (IMR, CAS): Co-precipitation of Ni3Ti and Mo-rich phase in a high strength maraging stainless steel
Dr. Robert Ulfig (CAMECA): EIKOS – A novel APT option for material research
Dr. Bin Han (CityU HK): Composition evolution of gamma prime nanoparticles in FeCrCoNiTi0.2 high entropy alloy studied by APT and first principle calculations
Mr. Jialong Tian (IMR, CAS): Role of cobalt-vacancy cluster in accelerating the precipitation of Ni3Ti in maraging stainless steel
Dr. Robert Ulfig (CAMECA): The Development of IVAS software, the latest 3.8 and future 4.x
Prof. Lingfei Cao (Chongqing U): The application of 3DAP in advanced Al alloys
Prof. H.C. Jiang (IMR, CAS): The composition control of precipitates in 7N01 alloy based on elevating of SCC properties
Dr. Hui Li (Shanghai U): The microstructure evolution of an austenitic precipitation strengthened stainless steel
Dr. Zengbao Jiao (PolyU HK): Atom probe tomography study of advanced structural materials
Rm7-208, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
Institute of Advanced Stdudy, City University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; CAMECA, AMETEK, Inc.
Contact information
Organizers: Prof. C.T. Liu (chainliu@cityu.edu.hk)
Dr. Z.B. Jiao (zb.jiao@polyu.edu.hk)
Secretaries: Dr. J.H. Luan (junhluan@cityu.edu.hk; 852-34426542)
Ms. Kate Lau (kwaiclau@cityu.edu.hk; 852-34422430)
CAMECA: Dr. Jun Weng (jun.weng@ametek.com)
Mr. Allen Zou (allen.zou@ametek.com)
Mr. Fei Shi (fei.shi@ametek.com)

三維原子探針 (APT) 是當今先進材料微觀組織研究的最先進分析技術之一,其在原子尺度上揭示的材料成分和原子空間位置的信息,極大地增進我們對材料微觀組織的深層次理解,對新型金屬、半導體和無機非金屬材料的開發和研究有深遠的影響。本研討會旨在集結材料研究領域的專家學者,交流三維原子探針的最新進展,為三維原子探針用戶、科研合作夥伴提供技術磋商、學術交流和討論的平臺。
劉錦川教授 (香港城市大學)
焦增寶博士 (香港理工大學)
12月4日(9:00–17:30) 、5日 (9:00–12:00):學術報告及討論
12月5日(14:00–17:30):LEAP 5000R的操作及APT應用專題**
**APT應用專題由CAMECA專家Dr. Robert Ulfig講授,主要包括:
(1) tEBSD in conjunction with APT applications,
(2) cluster finding,
(3) IVAS 3.8 and future software topics, and
(4) image quality improvement.
香港城市大學 劉鳴煒學術樓 7-208室
香港城市大學 高等研究院、香港理工大學、AMETEK CAMECA公司
主辦:劉錦川教授 (chainliu@cityu.edu.hk)
焦增寶博士 (zb.jiao@polyu.edu.hk)
會務:欒軍華博士 (junhluan@cityu.edu.hk; 852-34426542)
Kate Lau女士 (kwaiclau@cityu.edu.hk; 852-34422430)
翁軍博士 (CAMECA, jun.weng@ametek.com)
鄒奕量先生 (CAMECA, allen.zou@ametek.com)
史飛先生(CAMECA, fei.shi@ametek.com)

刘锦川教授 (香港城市大学)
焦增宝博士 (香港理工大学)
12月4日(9:00–17:30) 、5日 (9:00–12:00):学术报告及讨论
12月5日(14:00–17:30):LEAP 5000R的操作及APT应用专题**
**APT应用专题由CAMECA专家Dr. Robert Ulfig讲授,主要包括:
(1) tEBSD in conjunction with APT applications,
(2) cluster finding,
(3) IVAS 3.8 and future software topics, and
(4) image quality improvement.
香港城市大学 刘鸣炜学术楼 7-208室
香港城市大学 高等研究院、香港理工大学、AMETEK CAMECA公司
主办:刘锦川教授 (chainliu@cityu.edu.hk)
焦增宝博士 (zb.jiao@polyu.edu.hk)
会务:栾军华博士 (junhluan@cityu.edu.hk; 852-34426542)
Kate Lau女士 (kwaiclau@cityu.edu.hk; 852-34422430)
翁军博士 (CAMECA, jun.weng@ametek.com)
邹奕量先生 (CAMECA, allen.zou@ametek.com)
史飞先生(CAMECA, fei.shi@ametek.com)