Advanced Structural Materials Group at PolyU Logo


Dr. Jiao's group has published 1 book and 100+ journal papers, including 4 papers in Nature Communications,1 in Materials Today, and 23 in Acta Materialia, with a total citation of >7000 and an H-index of 43.  

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Journal papers


[129] Achieving excellent elevated-temperature mechanical properties in dual-phase high-entropy alloys via nanoscale co-precipitation and heterostructure engineering

M.C. Niu, S. Qiu, Q. Yu, W. Li, S.Z. Zhang, J.M. Guo, J.H. Luan, W. Wang, T. Yang, X.L. Wang, Z.B. Jiao*

Acta Materialia 284, 120634, 2025.

[128] Developing novel low-density high-entropy superalloys with high strength and superior creep resistance guided by automated machine learning

Y. Li, J. Pang, Z. Li, Q. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Li, H. Zhang, Z.B. Jiao, C. Dong, P.K. Liaw

Acta Materialia 284, 120656, 2025.

[127] Atomic-scale understanding of interfacial structure and chemistry effects on hydrogen trapping and migration in Cu-precipitation-strengthened steels

S. Qiu, Q. Yu, Z.B. Jiao*

Computational Materials Science 251, 113778, 2025.

[126] Ultrahigh strength and damage tolerance in a hierarchical-structured titanium alloy

S. Hu, Y. Tan*, W. Shi, X. Ji, B. Chen, Z.B. Jiao*, S. Xiang*

Scripta Materialia 254, 116317, 2025.

[125] Research progress on nanoprecipitation-strengthened high-entropy alloys

J.M. Guo, B.Y. Ni, Z.B. Jiao*

Materials China 44, 31, 2025.

[124] Formation of core-shell nanoprecipitates and their effects on work hardening in an ultrahigh-strength stainless steel

J. Li, W. Jiang, Y. Zhang, L. Liu, Y. Yu, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C. Liu, Z. Zhang

International Journal of Plasticity 184, 104184, 2025.

[126] Enhancing work hardening through tuning TRIP by nano-precipitates in maraging stainless steels

J. Li, Y. Zhang, W. Jiang, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C. Liu, Z. Zhang

International Journal of Plasticity 186, 104265, 2025.

[125] Theoretically probing intrinsic properties of γ' phase in FeCoNiTiAl high-entropy alloys

Q. Yu, G.C. Gu, X. Gao, Z.N. Li, Z.B. Jiao, W.W. Xu

Rare Metals, 1, 2025.

[121] Effects of nanoprecipitates on mechanical properties in an ultra-high strength maraging stainless steel

W. Jiang, J. Li, Y. Zhang, .X Li, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C. Liu, Z. Zhang

Materials Characterization 222, 114837, 2025.



[120] Simultaneous enhancement of strength and conductivity via self-assembled lamellar architecture

T. Han, C. Hou, Z. Zhao, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Li, S. Jiang, H. Lu, H. Wang, X. Liu, Z. Nie, X. Song

Nature Communications 15, 1863, 2024.

[119] Unraveling the two-stage precipitation mechanism in a hierarchical-structured fcc/L21 high-entropy alloy: Experiments and analytical modeling

W. Li, W. Wang*, M.C. Niu, K. Yang, J.H. Luan, H.W. Zhang*, Z.B. Jiao*

Acta Materialia 262, 119426, 2024.

[118] Developing novel high-temperature soft-magnetic B2-based multi-principal-element alloys with coherent body-centered-cubic nanoprecipitates

Z. Wang, J. Yuan, Q. Wang*, Z. Li, X. Zhou, J. Luan, J. Wang, S. Zheng, Z.B. Jiao*, C. Dong, P.K. Liaw

Acta Materialia 266, 119686, 2024.

[117] Significantly lowering friction and wear of CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy film via massive interstitial carbon-induced amorphization

Q. Zhuang, D. Liang, L. Yang, K. Yan, X. Jiang, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, R. Ren

Acta Materialia 279, 120291, 2024.

[116] D022 precipitates strengthened W-Ta-Fe-Ni refractory high-entropy alloy

T. Li, J.X. Chen, T.W. Liu, Y. Chen, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C. Liu, L.H. Dai

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 177, 85, 2024.

[115] Dual nanoprecipitation and nanoscale chemical heterogeneity in a secondary hardening steel for ultrahigh strength and large uniform elongation

S. Wang, J. Wang, S. Zhang, D. Wei, Y. Chen, X. Rong, W. Gong, S. Harjo, X. Liu, Z.B. Jiao, Z. Yang, G. Sha, C. Wang, G. Chen, H. Chen

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 185, 245, 2024.

[114] Effect of Nb content on microstructural evolution, mechanical and tribological properties of in situ alloyed copper-modified titanium produced using laser powder bed fusion

Y. Ren, Z. Li, Q. Wang, J. Liu, L. Zhang, M. Song, S. Liu, S. Guo, Z.B. Jiao, I. Baker, H. Wu

Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024.

[113] Achieving exceptional work-hardening capability of additively-manufactured multiphase Fe-Mn alloys via multiple deformation mechanisms

P. Liu, Q. Huang, Q. Shan, Z.B. Jiao, Q. Wang, Y. Ma, R. Zhou, I. Baker, H. Wu

International Journal of Plasticity 173, 103871, 2024.

[112] Dislocation accumulation-induced strength-ductility synergy in TRIP-aided duplex stainless steel

J. Wan, B. He, X. Yang, L.B. Kong, X. Zuo, Z.B. Jiao

International Journal of Plasticity 182, 104130, 2024.

[111] Suppressing hydrogen embrittlement of a CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy by triggering co-segregation of carbon, boron, and Cr

C.D. Ding, Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, B.B. Xu,R. Li, B.X. Cao, C.S. Zhou, W.H. Liu

Corrosion Science236, 112232, 2024.

[110] Regulating precipitation behavior in an ultrahigh-strength, high-molybdenum maraging steel via laser powder bed fusion

S. Wang, W. Wu,Y. Sun, Z. Yang, G. Sha, W. Wang, Z.B. Jiao, H. Chen

Scripta Materialia 252, 116245, 2024.

[109] Ultrastrong and ductile metastable Fe-rich medium-entropy alloy with high-density nanolamellar L12 precipitates

S. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Sun, Z. Yang, G. Sha, Z.B. Jiao, H. Chen

Scripta Materialia 247, 116100, 2024.

[108] Microstructural evolution, mechanical behavior, and deformation mechanisms of a lightweight Ti-Nb-Cr-V refractory high-entropy alloy at room and elevated temperatures

Z. Tian, W. Chen, H. Wang, C. Chu, J. Liu, L. Hao, W. Xiong, J. Guo, Z.B. Jiao, Z. Fu

Materials Science & Engineering A 910, 146883, 2024.

[107] Evolution and strengthening of nanoprecipitates in a high strength maraging stainless steel

J. Li, W. Jiang, Y. Zhang, L. Liu, Y. Yu, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C. Liu, Z. Zhang

Materials Science & Engineering A 915, 147198, 2024.

[106] Frontiers in high entropy alloys and high entropy functional materials

W.T. Zhang, X.Q. Wang, F.Q. Zhang, X.Y. Cui, B.B. Fan, J.M. Guo,... Z.B. Jiao*, et al.

Rare Metals 43, 4639, 2024.



[105] Ultra-strong tungsten refractory high-entropy alloy via stepwise controllable coherent nanoprecipitations

T. Li, T. Liu, S. Zhao, Y. Chen, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, R.O. Ritchie, L. Dai

Nature Communications 14, 3006, 2023.

[104] Atomic-scale understanding of solute interaction effects on grain boundary segregation, precipitation, and fracture of ultrahigh-strength maraging steels

M.C. Niu, C.J. Chen, W. Li, K. Yang, J.H. Luan, W. Wang*, Z.B. Jiao*

Acta Materialia 253, 118972, 2023.

[103] Heterogenous structure and formation mechanism of white and brown etching layers in bainitic rail steel

G. Gao, M. Liu, X. Gui, J. Hu, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, X. Wang, B. Bai, Z. Yang

Acta Materialia 250, 118887, 2023.

[102] Design of ultra-strong but ductile iron-based alloys with low supersaturations

H.J. Kong, T. Yang, R. Chen, Z.B. Jiao, T. Zhang, B. Cao, J. Luan, S. Liu, A. Wang, J.C.C. Huang, X.L. Wang, C.T. Liu

Acta Materialia 254, 119000, 2023.

[101] High-Performance Silicon-Rich Microparticle Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries Enabled by Internal Stress Mitigation

Y. Gao*, L. Fan, R. Zhou, X. Du, Z.B. Jiao*, B. Zhang*

Nano-Micro Letters 15, 222, 2023.

[100] Achieving ultrahigh strength and ductility in high-entropy alloys via dual precipitation

J.M. Guo, B.C. Zhou, S. Qiu, H.J. Kong, M.C. Niu, J.H. Luan, T.L. Zhang, H. Wu, Z.B. Jiao*

Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 166, 67, 2023.

[99] Nanoscale precipitation, mechanical properties, and deformation behavior of NiAl-strengthened high-strength steels: Effects of Ni and Al contents and ratios

B.C. Zhou, S.F. Liu, H.H. Wu, J.H. Luan, J.M. Guo, T. Yang, Z.B. Jiao*

Materials & Design 167, 171, 2023.

[98] Alloying effects on site preference, mechanical properties, and deformation behavior of L12 Co–Ti-based alloys

X.F. Gong, Z.H. Gao, L.P. Nie, S. Qiu*, Q. Yu, H. Wu, G.P. Zheng, Z.B. Jiao*

Journal of Materials Research and Technology 24, 1429, 2023.

[97] Performance of a hierarchically nanostructured W-Cu composite produced via mediating phase separation

C. Hou, H. Lu, F. Tang, Z. Zhao, X. Huang, T. Han, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, X. Song, Z. Nie

Engineering 26, 173, 2023.

[96] Simultaneous enhancement of strength and ductility via microband formation and nanotwinning in an L12-strengthened alloy

L. Yang, D.S. Liang, Z. Cheng, R.X. Duan, C.X. Zhong, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, F.Z. Ren

Fundamental Research, 2023.

[95] Microstructure evolution and deformation mechanism of coherent L12-strengthened high-entropy alloy during sliding wear

L. Yang, C. Wei, D. Liang, F. Jiang, Z. Cheng, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, F. Ren

Composites Part B: Engineering 256, 110651, 2023.

[94] Thermal stability and deformation mechanisms in Ni-Co-Fe-Cr-Al-Ti-Nb-type nanoparticle-strengthened high-entropy alloys

J.X. Hou, J.Y. Zhang, J.X. Zhang, J.H. Luan, Y.X. Wang, B.X. Cao, Y.L. Zhao, Z.B. Jiao, X.J. Liu, W.W. Song, P.K. Liaw, T. Yang

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 167, 171, 2023.

[93] Design of FeSiBPCu soft magnetic alloys with good amorphous forming ability and ultra-wide crystallization window

X. Fan, T. Zhang, W. Yang, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, H. Li

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 147, 124, 2023.

[92] Simultaneously improving mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of Ti-bearing high-entropy superalloys at intermediate temperature via silicon addition

S. Liu, W. Xiao, B. Xiao, J. Ju, Y. Zhou, Y. Zhao, Z.B. Jiao, J. Luan, Q. Li, J. Hou, J.J. Kai, T. Yang

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 157, 30, 2023.

[91] Copper segregation-mediated formation of nanotwins and 9R phases in titanium alloys produced by laser powder bed fusion

Y. Ren, B. Han, H. Wu, J. Wang, B. Liu, B. Wei, Z.B. Jiao, I. Baker

Scripta Materialia 224, 115115, 2023.

[90] Ultrastrong interstitially-strengthened chemically complex martensite via tuning phase stability

S. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Yang, P. Wang, S. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Guo, H. Luan, C. Zhang, Z.B. Jiao, Z. Yang, G. Sha, H. Chen

Scripta Materialia 226, 115257, 2023.

[89] Achieving ultrahigh strength in oxide-dispersion-strengthened CoCrNi alloy via in situ formation of coherent Y-Ti-O nanoprecipitates

W. Mao, L. Yang, F. Jiang, J. He, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, F. Ren

Materials & Design 232, 112141, 2023.

[88] Precipitation behavior of the G-phase strengthened 7Ni maraging steels

M. Yang, D. Zhang, Z. Yao, Z. Ma, J. Luan, C. Wang, B. Kuhn, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Zhao, T. Yang, X. Liu, S. Wang

Journal of Materials Research and Technology 26, 9261, 2023.

[87] Effect of laser scanning speed on microstructure, tribological and corrosion behavior of Ti23Nb alloys produced by laser metal deposition

Y. Ren, H. Wu, J. Du, B. Liu, X. Wang, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Tian, I. Baker

Materials Characterization 197, 112647, 2023.

[86] Achieving superior low-temperature toughness in high-strength low-carbon steel via controlling lath boundary segregation

X. Wei, L. Sun, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu, G. Zhao

Journal of Materials Research and Technology 24, 1524, 2023.

[85] A novel L12-strengthened AlCoCuFeNi high-entropy alloy with both high hardness and good corrosion resistance

Y. Ren, H. Wu, B. Liu, Q. Shan, S. Guo, Z.B. Jiao, I. Baker

Materials Letters 331, 133339, 2023.

[84] Strain-magnetization property of Ni-Mn-Ga (Co, Cu) microwires

Z.Y. Ding, J.J. Gao, Z.B. Jiao, H.H. Wu, A.Y. Chen, J. Zhu

Rare Metals 42, 244, 2023.



[83] High-entropy induced a glass-to-glass transition in a metallic glass

H.W. Luan, X. Zhang, H.Y. Ding, F. Zhang, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, Y.C. Yang, H.T. Bu, R.B. Wang, J.L. Gu, C.L. Shao, Q. Yu, Y. Shao, Q.S. Zeng, N. Chen, C.T. Liu, K.F. Yao

Nature Communications 13, 2183, 2022.

[82] L12-strengthened multicomponent Co-Al-Nb-based alloys with high strength and matrix-confined stacking-fault-mediated plasticity

B.X. Cao, W.W. Xu, C.Y. Yu, S.W. Wu, H.J. Kong, Z.Y. Ding, T.L. Zhang, J.H. Luan, B. Xiao, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Liu, T. Yang, C.T. Liu

Acta Materialia 228, 117763, 2022.

[81] Native oxidation and complex magnetic anisotropy-dominated soft magnetic CoCrFeNi-based high-entropy alloy thin films

J. Zhang, X. Wang, X. Li, Y. Zheng, R. Liu, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C. Dong, P.K. Liaw

Advanced Science 9, 202203139, 2022.

[80] Cu-assisted austenite reversion and enhanced TRIP effect in maraging stainless steels

M.C. Niu, K. Yang, J.H. Luan, W. Wang*, Z.B. Jiao*

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 104, 52, 2022.

[79] Dual effects of pre-strain on continuous and discontinuous precipitation of L12-strengthened high-entropy alloys

J.Y.C. Fang, W.H. Liu, J.H. Luan, T. Yang, M.W. Fu*, Z.B. Jiao*

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 925, 166730, 2022.

[78] Atomistic study of Al partitioning and its influence on nanoscale precipitation of Cu-rich nanocluster-strengthened steels

B.C. Zhou, C.Y. Yu, S. Qiu, T. Yang, J.H. Luan, X.Q. Xu, Z.C. Luo, Z.B. Jiao*

Materials Characterization 184, 111687, 2022.

[77] Competition between continuous and discontinuous precipitation in L12-strengthened high-entropy alloys

J.Y.C. Fang, W.H. Liu, J.H. Luan, T. Yang, Y. Wu, M.W. Fu*, Z.B. Jiao*

Intermetallics 149, 107655, 2022.

[76] Alloying effects on phase stability, mechanical properties, and deformation behavior of CoCrNi-based medium-entropy alloys at low temperatures

S. Qiu, G.P. Zheng, Z.B. Jiao*

Intermetallics 140, 107399, 2022.

[75] Multicomponent Precipitation and Strengthening in Intermetallic-Strengthened Alloys

J.Y.C. Fang, W.H. Liu, T. Yang, Y. Wu, Z.B. Jiao*

Frontiers in Materials 9, 931098, 2022.

[74] Compositionally complex coherent precipitation-strengthened high-entropy alloys: a critical review

J.X Hou, B.X. Cao, B. Xiao, Z.B. Jiao*, T. Yang*

Rare Metals 41, 2002, 2022.

[73] Single-element amorphous palladium nanoparticles formed via phase separation

D.S. He, Y. Huang, B.D. Myers, D. Isheim, X.Y. Fan, G.J. Xia, Y.S. Deng, L. Xie, S.B. Han, Y. Qiu, Y.G. Wang, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, L. Huang, V.P. Dravid, J.Q. He

Nano Research 15, 5575, 2022.

[72] High-temperature mechanical behavior of ultra-coarse cemented carbide with grain strengthening

H. Hu, X. Liu, J. Chen, H. Lu, C. Liu, H. Wang, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Liu, X. Song

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 104, 8, 2022.

[71] In situ neutron diffraction unravels deformation mechanisms of a strong and ductile FeCrNi medium entropy alloy

L. Tang, F.Q. Jiang, J.S. Wróbel, B. Liu, S. Kabra, R.X. Duan, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, M. Attallah, D. Nguyen-Manh, B. Cai

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 116, 103, 2022.

[70] A comparative study on microstructure, nanomechanical and corrosion behaviors of AlCoCuFeNi high entropy alloys fabricated by selective laser melting and laser metal deposition

Y.J. Ren, H. Wu, B. Liu, Y. Liu, S. Guo, Z.B. Jiao, I. Baker

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 131, 221, 2022.

[69] Strengthening nanocrystalline immiscible bimetallic composite by high-entropy effect

J.Y. Luo, C. Hou, F.W. Tang, T.L. Han, Y.R. Li, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, X.Y. Song, Z.R. Nie

Composites Part B: Engineering 243, 110117, 2022.

[68] Synergy of strengthening and toughening of a Cu-rich precipitate-strengthened steel

L. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Li, M. Fan, X. Wang, G. Wu, Z. Yang, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu, P.K. Liaw, Z.W. Zhang

International Journal of Plasticity 153, 1103235, 2022.

[67] Robust spin glass state with exceptional thermal stability in a chemically complex alloy

J. Yu, W. Wu, H. Zhang, R. Shao, F. Zhang, H. Wang, Z. Li, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu, B.A. Sun, H.Y. Bai, W.H. Wang

Physical Review Materials 6, L091401, 2022.

[66] Intermediate temperature embrittlement in a precipitation-hardened high-entropy alloy: The role of heterogeneous strain distribution and environmentally assisted intergranular damage

B.X. Cao, D.X. Wei, X.F. Zhang, H.J. Kong, Y.L. Zhao, J.X. Hou, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, Y Liu, T Yang, C.T. Liu

Materials Today Physics 24, 100653, 2022.

[65] Microstructure, mechanical properties and biocompatibility of laser metal deposited Ti–23Nb coatings on a NiTi substrate

Y. Ren, J. Du, B. Liu, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Tian, I. Baker, H. Wu

Materials Science and Engineering: A 848, 143402, 2022.

[64] Synergy of strengthening and toughening of a Cu-rich precipitate-strengthened steel

X. Wei, X. Cao, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu, Z.W. Zhang

Materials Science and Engineering: A 832, 142487, 2022.

[63] Irradiation-induced solute trapping by preexisting nanoprecipitates in high-strength low-alloy steel

Y. Zhang, L.Y. Liu, J.H. Han, J.J. Yang, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu, Z.W. Zhang

Materials Science and Engineering: A 849, 143510, 2022.

[62] Remarkable cryogenic strengthening and toughening in nano-coherent CoCrFeNiTi0.2 high-entropy alloys via energetically-tuning polymorphous precipitates

J.L. Yuan, Y.C. Wu, P.K. Liaw, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, J. Li, P.D. Han, J.W. Qiao

Materials Science and Engineering: A 842, 143111, 2022.

[61] Achieving high strength-ductility synergy through high-density coherent precipitation in twin-roll cast Al–Zn–Mg–Cu strips

Y.T. Mo, C. Wang, S.Y. Zhang, X. Liu, M. Zha, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, H.Y. Wang

Materials Science and Engineering: A 850, 143592, 2022.

[60] Boosting electrochemical performance of Li-S batteries by cerium-based MOFs coated with polypyrrole

X. Chen, M. Zhang, J. Zhu, J. Wang, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Li

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 901, 163649, 2022.

[59] The effect of pre-deformation on nanoscale precipitation and hardness of a maraging stainless steel

X.L. Zhou, B. Wang, T.Y. Zeng, W. Yan, J.H. Luan, W. Wang, K. Yang, Z.B. Jiao

Acta Metallurgica Sinica 35, 2089, 2022.



[58] Synergistic alloying effects on nanoscale precipitation and mechanical properties of ultrahigh-strength steels strengthened by Ni3Ti, Mo-enriched, and Cr-rich co-precipitates

M.C. Niu, L.C. Yin, K. Yang, J.H. Luan, W. Wang*, Z.B. Jiao*

Acta Materialia 209, 116788, 2021. (Most downloaded Acta Materialia articles in Feb to April 2021 )

[57] Mechanisms for suppressing discontinuous precipitation and improving mechanical properties of NiAl-strengthened steels through nanoscale Cu partitioning

B.C. Zhou, T. Yang, G. Zhou, H. Wang, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao*

Acta Materialia 205,116561, 2021. (Most downloaded Acta Materialia articles in Jan to Mar 2021)

[56] Precipitation behavior in G-phase strengthened ferritic stainless steels

M. Yang, D.J.M. King, I. Postugar, Y. Wen, J.H. Luan, B. Kuhn, Z.B. Jiao, C.P. Wang, M.R. Wenman, X.J. Liu,

Acta Materialia 205, 116542, 2021.

[55] Synergistic effects of Al and Ti on the oxidation behaviour and mechanical properties of L12-strengthened FeCoCrNi high-entropy alloys

Z.Y. Ding, B.X. Cao, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao*

Corrosion Science 184, 109365, 2021.

[54] Phase stability and precipitation in L12-strengthened CoCrNi medium-entropy alloys at intermediate temperatures

J.Y.C. Fang, W.H. Liu, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao*

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 42, 781, 2021.

[53] Thermal stability and high-temperature mechanical performance of nanostructured W–Cu–Cr–ZrC composite

L.J. Cao, C. Hou, F.W. Tang, S.H. Liang, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C. Liu, X.Y. Song, Z.R. Nie

Composites Part B: Engineering 208, 108600, 2021.

[52] Heterogenous columnar-grained high-entropy alloys produce exceptional resistance to intermediate-temperature intergranular embrittlement

B.X.Cao, H.J.Kong, L.Fan, J.H.Luan, Z.B. Jiao, J.J.Kai, T.Yang, C.T.Liu

Scripta Materialia 194, 113262, 2021.

[51] A novel L12-strengthened multicomponent Co-rich high-entropy alloy with both high γ′-solvus temperature and superior high-temperature strength

B.X.Cao, H.J.Kong, Z.Y. Ding, S.W. Wu, J.H.Luan, Z.B. Jiao, J. Lu, C.T.Liu, T.Yang

Scripta Materialia 199, 113826, 2021.

[50] Formation and crystallization behavior of Fe-based amorphous precursors with pre-existing α-Fe nanoparticles —Structure and magnetic properties of high-Cu-content Fe-Si-B-Cu-Nb nanocrystalline alloys

Y. Li, X. Jia, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, G. Xie, Z. Qiu, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao

Journal of Materials Science & Technology 65, 171, 2021.

[49] Low-carbon advanced nanostructured steels: Microstructure, mechanical properties, and applications

H.J.Kong, Z.B. Jiao, J. Lu, C.T.Liu

Science China Materials 64, 1580, 2021.

[48] Wear-resistance enhancement of nanostructured W-Cu-Cr composites

L. Cao, C. Hou, F. Tang, T. Han, X. Huang, Y. Li, J. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, X. Song, Z. Nie

International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 101, 105673, 2021.

[47] Abrasive wear behavior of TiC-strengthened eutectic high chromium cast iron composites

R.N. Jia, T.Q. Tu, K.H. Zheng, Z.B. Jiao, Z.C. Luo

Materials Today Communications 29, 102906, 2021.



[46] Ultrahigh-strength and ductile superlattice alloys with nanoscale disordered interfaces

T. Yang, Y.L. Zhao, W.P. Li, C.Y. Yu, J.H. Luan, D.Y. Lin, L. Fan, Z.B. Jiao, W.H. Liu, X.J. Liu, J.J. Kai, J.C. Huang, C.T. Liu

Science 369, 427-332, 2020.

[45] Ultrahigh strength and ductility in newly developed materials with coherent nanolamellar architectures

L. Fan, T. Yang, Y.L. Zhao, J.H. Luan, G. Zhou, H. Wang, Z.B. Jiao*, C.T. Liu*

Nature Communications 11, 6240, 2020.

[44] Superior high-temperature properties and deformation-induced planar faults in a novel L12-strengthened high-entropy alloy

Y.L. Zhao, T. Yang, Y.R. Li, L. Fan, B. Han, Z.B. Jiao, D. Chen, C.T. Liu, J.J. Kai

Acta Materialia 188, 517-527, 2020.

[43] Control of nanoscale precipitation and elimination of intermediate-temperature embrittlement in multicomponent high-entropy alloys

T. Yang, Y.L. Zhao, L. Fan, J. Wei, J.H. Luan, W.H. Liu, C. Wang, Z.B. Jiao, J.J. Kai, C.T. Liu

Acta Materialia 189, 47-59, 2020.

[42] Achieving exceptional wear resistance in a compositionally complex alloy via tuning the interfacial structure and chemistry

W.W. Zhu, C.C. Zhao, Y.W. Zhang, C.T. Kwok, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, F.Z. Ren

Acta Materialia 188, 697-710, 2020.

[41] Control of discontinuous and continuous precipitation of γʹ-strengthened high-entropy alloys through nanoscale Nb segregation and partitioning

L. Fan, T. Yang, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao*

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 832, 154903, 2020.

[40] Breaking the strength-ductility paradox in advanced nanostructured Fe-based alloys through combined Cu and Mn additions

H.J. Kong, T. Yang, R. Chen, S.Q. Yue, T.L. Zhang, B.X. Cao, C. Wang, W.H. Liu, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, B.W. Zhou, L.G. Meng, A. Wang, C.T. Liu

Scripta Materialia 186, 213-218, 2020.

[39] Precipitation kinetics and mechanical properties of nanostructured steels with Mo additions

S.S. Xu, Y.W. Liu, Y. Zhang, J.H. Luan, J.P. Li, L.X. Sun, Z.B. Jiao, Z.W. Zhang, C.T. Liu

Materials Research Letters 8, 187-194, 2020.

[38] Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of a novel austenite-martensite dual phase steel

S.S. Xu, J.P. Li, Y. Cui, Y. Zhang, L.X. Sun, J. Li, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, X-L. Wang, C.T. Liu, Z.W. Zhang

International Journal of Plasticity 128, 102677, 2020.

[37] Microstructures and mechanical properties of CoCrFeMnNiVx high entropy alloy films

S. Fang, C. Wang, C.L. Li, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu, C.H. Hsueh

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 820, 153388, 2020.

[36] Refractory alloying additions on the thermal stability and mechanical properties of high-entropy alloys

B.X. Cao, T. Yang, L. Fan, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu

Materials Science and Engineering: A 794, 140020, 2020.



[35] Hardening mechanisms and impact toughening of a high-strength steel containing low Ni and Cu additions

H.J. Kong, C. Xu, C.C. Bu, C. Da, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, G. Chen, C.T. Liu

Acta Materialia 172, 150-160, 2019.

[34] Attractive in situ self‐reconstructed hierarchical gradient structure of metallic glass for high efficiency and remarkable stability in catalytic performance

Z. Jia, Q. Wang, L. Sun, Q. Wang, L.C. Zhang, G. Wu, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, A. Wang, S.X. Liang, M. Gu, J. Lu

Advanced Functional Materials 1807857, 1-9, 2019.

[33] Effect of Mo:W ratio on segregation behavior and creep strength of nickel-based single crystal superalloys

L.F. Zhang, Z.W. Huang, L. Jiang, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu

Materials Science and Engineering: A 744, 481-489, 2019.

[32] A novel ferritic steel family hardened by intermetallic compound G-phase

M.J. Yang, J.H. Zhu, T. Yang, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, X.R. Fan, B. Kuhn, X.Y. Xiong, C.P. Wang, C.T. Liu, X.J. Liu

Materials Science and Engineering: A 745, 390-399, 2019.



[31] Multicomponent intermetallic nanoparticles and superb mechanical behaviors of complex alloys

T. Yang, Y.L. Zhao, Y. Tong, Z.B. Jiao, J. Wei, J.X. Cai, X.D. Han, D. Chen, A. Hu, J.J. Kai, K. Lu, Y. Liu, C.T. Liu

Science 362, 933-937, 2018.

[30] Nanocrystalline Ag-W alloys lose stability upon solute desegregation from grain boundaries

Z.B. Jiao, C.A. Schuh

Acta Materialia 161, 194-206, 2018.

[29] High-Entropy Alloy (HEA)-Coated Nanolattice Structures and Their Mechanical Properties

L.B. Gao, J. Song, Z.B. Jiao, W.B. Liao, J.H. Luan, J.U. Surjadi, J.Y. Li, H.T. Zhang, D. Sun, C.T. Liu, Y. Lu

Advanced Engineering Materials 20, 1700625, 2018.



[28] Co-precipitation of nanoscale particles in steels with ultra-high strength for a new era

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, M.K. Miller, Y. W. Chung, C.T. Liu

Materials Today 20(3), 142, 2017.

[27] Heterogeneous precipitation behavior and stacking-fault-mediated deformation in a CoCrNi-based medium-entropy alloy

Y.L. Zhao, T. Yang, Y. Tong, J. Wang, J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, D. Chen, Y. Yang, A. Hu, C.T. Liu, J.J. Kai

Acta Materialia 138, 72, 2017.

[26] Atom-probe study of Cu and NiAl nanoscale precipitation and interfacial segregation in a nanoparticle-strengthened steel

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, W. Guo, J. D. Poplawsky, C.T. Liu

Materials Research Letters 5(8) 562-568, 2017.

[25] Ultrahigh-strength steels strengthened by nanoparticles

Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu

Science Bulletin 62(15), 1043-1044, 2017.

[24] Compositional and microstructural optimization and mechanical-property enhancement of cast Ti alloys based on Ti-6Al-4V alloy

J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, W.H. Liu, Z.P. Lu, W.X. Zhao, C.T. Liu

Materials Science & Engineering A 704, 91-101, 2017.


Before 2017

[23] Effects of welding and post-weld heat treatments on nanoscale precipitation and mechanical properties of an ultra-high strength steel hardened by nanoscale NiAl and Cu particles

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, W. Guo, J. D. Poplawsky, C.T. Liu

Acta Materialia 120, 216, 2016.

[22] Precipitate transformation from NiAl-type to Ni2AlMn-type and its influence on the mechanical properties of high-strength steels

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, M.K. Miller, C.Y. Yu, Y. Liu, C.T. Liu

Acta Materialia 110, 31, 2016.

[21] Precipitation mechanism and mechanical properties of an ultra-high strength steel hardened by nanoscale NiAl and Cu particles

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, M.K. Miller, C.T. Liu

Acta Materialia 97, 58, 2015.

[20] Effects of Mn partitioning on nanoscale precipitation and mechanical properties of ferritic steels strengthened by NiAl nanoparticles

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, M.K. Miller, C.Y. Yu, C.T. Liu

Acta Materialia 84, 283, 2015.

[19] Synergistic effects of Cu and Ni on nanoscale precipitation and mechanical properties of high-strength steels

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, Z.W. Zhang, M.K. Miller, W.B. Ma, C.T. Liu

Acta Materialia 61, 5996, 2013.

[18] High strength steels hardened mainly by nanoscale NiAl precipitates

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, Z.W. Zhang, M.K. Miller, C.T. Liu

Scripta Materialia 87, 45, 2014.

[17] Group precipitation and age hardening of nanostructured Fe-based alloys with ultra-high strengths

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, M.K. Miller, C.Y. Yu, C.T. Liu

Scientific Reports 6, 21364, 2016.

[16] Strategies for improving ductility of ordered intermetallics

Z.B. Jiao, J.H. Luan, C.T. Liu

Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 26, 1, 2016.

[15] Effects of alloying elements on glass formation, mechanical and soft-magnetic properties of Fe-based metallic glasses

Z.B. Jiao, H.X. Li, J.E. Gao, Y. Wu, Z.P. Lu

Intermetallics 19, 1502, 2011.

[14] Research and development of advanced nano-precipitate-strengthened ultra-high strength steels

Z.B. Jiao, C.T. Liu

Materials China 30, 6, 2011.

[13] Effects of Mo additions on the glass-forming ability and magnetic properties of bulk amorphous Fe-C-Si-B-P-Mo Alloys

Z.B. Jiao, H.X. Li, Y. Wu, J.E. Gao, S.L .Wang, S. Yi, Z.P. Lu

Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy53, 430, 2010.

[12] Effects of boron on the fracture behavior and ductility of cast Ti-6Al-4V alloys

J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, L. Heatherly, E.P. George, G. Chen, C.T. Liu

Scripta Materialia 100, 90, 2015.

[11] Effects of boron additions and solutionizing treatments on microstructures and ductility of forged Ti-6Al-4V alloys

J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, G. Chen, C.T. Liu

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 624, 170, 2015.

[10] Improved ductility and oxidation resistance of cast Ti-6Al-4V alloys by microalloying

J.H. Luan, Z.B. Jiao, G. Chen, C.T. Liu

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 602, 235, 2014.

[9] Synthesis of bulk glassy Fe-C-Si-B-P-Ga alloys with high glass-forming ability and good soft-magnetic properties

H.X. Li, Z.B. Jiao, J.E. Gao, Z.P. Lu

Intermetallics 18(10), 5, 2010.

[8] Effect of density difference of constituent elements on glass formation in TiCu-based bulk metallic glasses

Z.Y. Zhang, Z.B. Jiao, J. Zhou, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu

Progress in Natural Science: Materials international 23, 469, 2013.

[7] Enhancing glass-forming ability via frustration of nano-clustering in alloys with a high solvent content

H.X. Li, J.E. Gao, Y. Wu, Z.B. Jiao, D. Ma, A.D. Stoica, X.L. Wang, Y. Ren, M.K. Miller, Z.P. Lu

Scientific Reports 3, 1983, 2013.

[6] Effects of nanocrystal formation on the soft magnetic properties of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses

J.E. Gao, H.X. Li, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Wu, Y.H. Chen, T. Yu, Z.P. Lu

Applied Physics Letters 99, 052504, 2011.

[5] Size effects on compressive deformation behaviour of a brittle Fe-based bulk metallic glass

Y. Wu, H.X. Li, Z.B. Jiao, J.E. Gao, Z.P. Lu

Philosophical Magazine Letters 90(6), 403, 2010.

[4] Compressive fracture characteristics of Zr-based bulk metallic glass

Z.J. Fan, Z.Y. Zheng, Z.B. Jiao

Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 53 (5), 823, 2010.

[3] Three-point bending fracture characteristics of bulk metallic glasses

Z.J. Fan, Z.Y. Zheng, Z.B. Jiao

Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 53 (4), 654, 2010.

[2] Glass-forming ability enhanced by proper additions of oxygen in a Fe-based bulk metallic glass

H.X. Li, J.E. Gao, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Wu, Z.P. Lu

Applied Physics Letters 95, 161905, 2009.

[1] Glass formation and magnetic properties of the Fe-C-Si-B-P-(Cr-Al-Co) bulk metallic glasses fabricated using industrial raw materials

H.X. Li, S.L. Wang, S. Yi, Z.B. Jiao, Y. Wu, Z.P. Lu

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321, 2833, 2009.



Advanced multicomponent alloys: From fundamentals to applications

Edited by

Z.B. Jiao and T. Yang

Published by Springer Nature, 2022.